
Absolutely an all time favourite application. As I have often said “My whole life is in OneNote”. Although this is an exageration it is still my go to application and i have witnessed it being used to support teaching and learning in exciting ways.

There are range of OneNote applications and I have long been an advocate of the desktop version. However as of today I am migrating my notebooks to the Windows 10 app version and will be focusing on this version for much of my future Professional Development. I accept that it has still some features missing from the desktop version and I will dip into OneNote 2016 from time to time.
I can appreciate that the Microsoft rationale of having all version of OneNote look the sanme from now on is a good move. I am confident that the promise of all the features we love in the desktop version being incorporated into the app and we will see features never seen in the past.

My favourite option so far is ink to maths.

This rather simple example demonstrates the ability to see solution steps for equation solving.


In example 2 we look at plotting in 2D and inserting the resulting graph on the page giving further ability to notate and explain if desired.


Part of my confidence is based on this Mike Tholfsen – The Future of OneNote in Education

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